“Don’t bother”: idiom meaning.

Don’t bother
Don’t help me, don’t stop what you are doing now to do something for me, don’t worry if I’m doing all the work by myself because I can handle it and I don’t need your help. I know you don’t really want to help me and so you don’t have to force yourself to do it. Said often ironically to emphasise that you are not happy that someone doesn’t want to help you.

Other examples of “don’t bother” idiom in a sentence

  • Don’t bother! I can do it myself.
  • Don’t bother helping me, I know you don’t want to.
  • Don’t bother worrying about me. I’ll be fine.

“Don’t bother”: use in context explanation

The woman is washing the dishes. She’s doing it all by herself as usual. Her husband hardly ever helps her (almost never). He is always making promises that he will do houseworks with his wife but he never keeps those promises. Let’s say it! He’s lazy. The woman knows she will eventually have to do everything on her own like always, she is angry and she doesn’t want her husband to promise something they both know he’s not going to do. He tells him not to bother. He should just stay in his armchair and not say anything.