“Get over”: phrasal verb meaning.

Get over
Forget about a bad moment or a bad person in your life, stop being sad about the negative situation and start living happily again. Deal with the problem and stop thinking about the negative experience.

Other examples of “get over” phrasal verb in a sentence

  • Don’t worry, you’ll get over it.
  • When you get over the flu, we’ll go out.’
  • It’s hard to get over him.

“Get over”: use in context explanation

The woman’s friend is very sad today. She’s discovered that her boyfriend was cheating on her and left her for another woman. It makes her feel abandoned, let down, furious and depressed. The only person who can console her is her best friend. The woman is very sorry to see her friend crying and suffering and tries her best to cheer her up. She’s bought a bottle of their favourite Italian wine and a lot of ice cream. They are going to have a heart-to-heart talk and, hopefully, the friend will be able to get over her boyfirend and find a new, better one.