“Rubbish”: vocabulary meaning.

Dirty things you don’t want and don’t need anymore and you want to throw away. You then throw them away to a rubbish bin.

Other examples of “rubbish” vocabulary in a sentence

  • It smells bad. Put it in the rubbish bin.
  • It’s just rubbish, nothing important.
  • Put the rubbish out tomorrow morning.

“Rubbish”: use in context explanation

The couple are going out. She is dressed nicely and she’s putting on her lipstick. The man wonders where she’s going. The woman grabs a sack with rubbish and says she’s going to take the rubbish out. The man doesn’t know if he should believe her because usually people don’t put their makeup on when they take our rubbish. But his wife likes being pretty every time she goes out, even if it’s only for a couple of minutes.