“There’s no point”: idiom meaning.

There’s no point
If you say “there’s no point in doing something” you are saying “don’t do it, because we know you will fail/not succeed”. If something is impossible to do, there’s no point in trying to do it. You will only lose your energy, but in the end, we know you will fail. Synonyms: it’s pointless, unproductive, meaningless.

Other examples of “There’s no point” idiom in a sentence

  • There’s no point trying to convince her. She will not change her mind.
  • There’s no point crying over spilt milk. You can’t change the past.
  • There’s no point in running, we’re already late anyway.

“There’s no point”: use in context explanation

Richard wants to watch a very important football match but he realises the TV doesn’t work. He is really angry and can’t believe it’s happening in such an important moment. He can’t miss this match. Jane, his wife, on the other hand, thinks her husband watches too much TV and came up with an idea. She secretly unplugged the TV without telling her husband anything. She says there’s no point in trying to turn it on because she knows it will not work.